Feb 12, 2023Liked by Jake Hutchinson

This was lovely, Jake. I felt like I was right there with you in the great outdoors. As a follow-up assignment, I would like you to retrace all of the scenes and steps taken in this article, but this time while high on magic mushrooms. Best holiday wishes.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Jake Hutchinson

I've been dealing with exactly what you described, that mental back and forth, the false step rationalizations, the procrastination, all of that. And every time I walk I chide myself for not... just... doing it. Thanks for publishing this, I really felt seen reading this!

And for my money, the north coast is one of the most gorgeous places on earth and the biggest pro of living in NorCal. Salt Point State Park is absolutely incredible, there's a ton of small towns in the actual Russian River/foresty area that remind you of those adorable getaway towns in Vermont/NH, Bodega Bay is simply magical, and you don't even have to go that far up north... Point Reyes, an hour north of SF, might be my favorite place in the world... I'm loyal as hell to Brickmaiden Breads before a ten-miler on Alamere falls, even though Chimney Rock is more than good enough...

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